Displaying 541 - 554 of 554 in total
03 A Far-Reaching Conspiracy
Romans 8:18-25 A Conspiracy of Love Recorded 09 December 2012 Leawood Campus
02 Children of the Conspiracy
Romans 8:12-17 A Conspiracy of Love Recorded 02 December 2012 Leawood Campus
01 The Conspiracy Revealed
Romans 8:1-11 A Conspiracy of Love Recorded 25 November 2012 Leawood Campus
01 Open Here
Psalm 19:7-14 OPEN HERE: One story. One year. Recorded 18 November 2012 Leawood Campus
09 "You cannot serve both God and money."
Luke 16:1-13 Jolted: 10 Startling Statements of Jesus Recorded 04 November 2012 Leawood Campus
08 "No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14: 1-7 Jolted: 10 Startling Statements of Jesus Recorded 28 October 2012 Leawood Campus
07 "Take, eat, this is my body."
Matthew 26:26 Jolted: 10 Startling Statements of Jesus Recorded 21 October 2012 Leawood Campus
06 I never knew you
Matthew 7: 15-27 Jolted: 10 Startling Statements of Jesus Recorded 14 October 2012 Leawood Campus
05 "Gouge it out and throw it away."
Matthew 5: 27-30 Jolted: 10 Startling Statements of Jesus Recorded 07 October 2012 Leawood Campus
02 "How hard it is for the rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven"
Mark 10:17-31 Recorded 16 September 2012 Leawood Campus
01 "Those who want to save their life will lose it."
Mark 8:27-38 Recorded 09 September 2012 Leawood Campus
03 Connecting Faith and Work
Exodus 31: 1-6 Recorded 02 September 2012 Leawood Campus
02 Flourish and Multiply
John 17 Recorded 26 August 2012 Leawood Campus
01 I Will Build My Church
Matthew 16:13-16 Recorded 19 August 2012 Leawood Campus