Displaying 511 - 540 of 554 in total

03 Jeremiah 29

Jeremiah 29 Prophets: Isaiah - Malachi Recorded 07 July 2013 Leawood Campus

02 Isaiah 9,11,53

Isaiah 9,11,53 Prophets: Isaiah - Malachi Recorded 30 June 2013 Leawood Campus

01 Isaiah 6

Isaiah 6:1-8 Prophets: Isaiah - Malachi Recorded 23 June 2013 Leawood Campus

05 Song of Solomon

Song of Solomon Poetry: Job-Song of Solomon Recorded: 16 June 2013 Leawood Campus

04 Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes Poetry: Job-Song of Solomon Recorded: 09 June 2013 Leawood Campus

03 Proverbs 3:1-12

Proverbs 3:1 - 12 Poetry: Wisdom Recorded 02 June 2013 Leawood Campus

02 Psalm 103

Psalm 103 Poetry: Job-Song of Solomon Recorded: 26 May 2013 Leawood Campus

01 Psalm 1

Psalm 1 Poetry: Job-Song of Solomon Recorded: 19 May 2013 Leawood Campus

09 Surprised By Joy

Nehemiah 8-10 History: Joshua to Esther Recorded: 12 May 2013 Leawood Campus

08 The Dark Side of Power

Nehemiah 5 History: Joshua to Esther Recorded: 05 May 2013 Leawood Campus

07 Discouragement

Nehemiah 3-4 History: Joshua to Esther Recorded 28 April 2013 Leawood Campus

06 Pray and Work

Nehemiah 1: 4-11 History: Joshua to Esther Recorded 21 April 2013 Leawood Campus

05 The Fall of Israel & Judah

2 Kings 17: 6-14 History: Joshua to Esther Recorded 14 April 2013 Leawood Campus

Andy Crouch

The Difference Glory Makes Revelation 21 Recorded 07 April 2013 Leawood Campus

The Everlasting King

Matthew 28 History: Joshua to Esther Recorded 31 March 2013 Leawood Campus

02 Samson

Judges 13-16 History: Joshua to Esther Recorded 24 March 2013 Leawood Campus

01 The Promised Land

Joshua 2 History: Joshua to Esther Recorded 17 March 2013 Leawood Campus

10 Choose Life

Deuteronomy 30:11-20 Beginnings: Genesis to Deuteronomy Recorded 10 March 2013 Leawood Campus

09 Great Shema

Deuteronomy 6: 1-9 Beginnings: Genesis to Deuteronomy Recorded 03 March 2013 Leawood Campus

08 The Ten Commandments

Deuteronomy 5: 1-21 Beginnings: Genesis to Deuteronomy Recorded 24 February 2013 Leawood Campus

07 Disbelief

Numbers 13-14 Beginnings: Genesis to Deuteronomy Recorded 17 February 2013 Leawood Campus

06 Atonement

Leviticus 16 Beginnings: Genesis to Deuteronomy Recorded 10 February 2013 Leawood Campus

05 Wilderness

Exodus 16:1-12 Beginnings: Genesis to Deuteronomy Recorded 03 February 2013 Leawood Campus

04 Deliverance

Exodus 3:7-15 Beginnings: Genesis to Deuteronomy Recorded 27 January 2013 Leawood Campus

03 Joseph

Genesis 37. 39-47, 50 Beginnings: Genesis to Deuteronomy Recorded 20 January 2013 Leawood Campus

02 Abraham

Genesis 17:1-10 Beginnings: Genesis to Deuteronomy Recorded 13 January 2013 Leawood Campus

01 In the Beginning

Genesis 1-3 Beginnings: Genesis to Deuteronomy Recorded 06 January 2013 Leawood Campus

06 An Unstoppable Conspirator

Romans 8:31-39 A Conspiracy of Love Recorded 30 December 2012 Leawood Campus

05 Confidence in the Conspiracy

Romans 8:28-30 A Conspiracy of Love Recorded 23 December 2012 Leawood Campus

04 The Spirit of Conspiracy

Romans 8:26-27 A Conspiracy of Love Recorded 16 December 2012 Leawood Campus