Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 511 in total

Romans: Hopeful Groaning For More Life [Romans: 10]

Romans 8:18-25 // Brent NelsenGod’s kingdom isn’t fully here on earth yet. The picture of Isaiah 11, of a restored creation, is not yet a full reality. But we’ve been ...

Romans: Living in God's Family [Romans: 09]

Romans 8: 12-17 // Tom NelsonLet me ask you. Are you a child of God? John 1…those who receive Jesus…Have your The cross declares many things. That we are forgiven, we ...

Romans: Alive Inside [Romans: 08]

Romans 8: 5-13 // Ben BeasleyIn order for something to truly die, it has to be cut off from its source of life. Which means we have to learn how to make room for the S...

Romans: Free for Life [Romans: 07]

Romans 8:1-5  // Ben BeasleyPlanet Fitness has an interesting tagline: “Welcome to the judgement free zone.” Where else can we find that? It’s rare, isn’t it? Much mor...

Romans: Fighting for Life [Romans for Life: 06]

Romans 7:14-25 // Ben BeasleyThe biggest fights are the ones we have within ourselves. How does Jesus shape the fight waging within? It may not be what we thought. Joi...

Easter Sunday - Jesus Came Back to Life for Your Life

Matthew 28: 1-20 // Tom NelsonThe cross where Jesus shed his innocent blood for our sin and the empty tomb that defeated death is the greatest expression of love ever ...

Romans: No, the Law Did Not Take Your Life [Romans: 05]

Romans 7:7-13 // Ben BeasleyOne of the ironic dynamics of God’s law is that the more we know, the more we feel and recognize brokenness in our lives. With the grace of...

Romans: Belonging to Jesus Bears Life [Romans: 04]

Romans 7:1-6 // Ben BeasleyWhat we belong to gives us an identity, sense of community, and even drastically affects our self-worth. Whether we find our belonging in sp...

Romans: Eternal Life [Romans: 03]

Romans 6:15-23 // Ben BeasleyLife is full of paradoxes that make our life either run or crash, depending on how you look at it. Humans are full of contradictions and G...

Romans: Offer Your Life to God [Romans: 02]

Romans 6:11-14 // Tom NelsonOne of the greatest battles of history is not “out there,” but rather, is “in here.” Herein lies a crucial insight as to why following Jesu...

But What About Christian Sexual Ethics? (But What About? 04)

The question of “who am I?” Is the result of living in an age where expressivism as an individual and embodied endeavor is seen as the highest good. Anything that does...

Romans: Rescued for New Life [Romans: 01]

Romans 6:1-11 // Brent NelsenWhen we think of rescue, it’s natural to ask: “Rescue from what?” But with Jesus, rescue is more! When God sought to rescue creation from ...

But What About Hell? [But What About? 07]

Matthew 25:31-46 // Ben BeasleyHell, in the Bible, is not some underground torture chamber. Hell is a place outside the city of the New Jerusalem, that God excludes be...

But What About Suffering? [But What About? 06]

Psalm 13 // Ben Beasley“I used to go to church and pray, and then my best friend got sick and died… How can I believe in God when that happened?” My friend told me thi...

But What About Christianity & Politics? [But What About?] 05

 Matthew 22:15-22 // Tom Nelson Wherever you find yourself in this matter of faith and politics, whatever your political leanings, right, left, or somewhere in the mid...

But What About Women? [But What About 03]

Genesis 1:26-28 & Luke 10:38-42 // Ben BeasleyFollowing in the footsteps of the design of our Creator, and the dignity made known by our Savior, the church is called t...

But What About the Bible? [But What About? 02]

2 Tim 3:16-17 // Ben BeasleyHoly Scripture - the Old Testament and the New Testament together - for Christians, the Bible is the foundation of our faith. Why? Through ...

But What About the Church? [But What About? 01]

Matthew 16: 13-18 // Tom NelsonThe church is a messy place with messy broken people. The church is also a healing community for the broken. A faith community where the...

The Wise Men [Christmas Through the Eyes of Faith 5]

Matthew 2:1-12 // Brent NelsenIt’s all too easy to skim through the Christmas narrative and miss out on key aspects of that story. The three Wise Men are some of the m...

Joseph [Christmas Through the Eyes of Faith 4]

Matthew 1:18-25 // Ben BeasleyChristmas wasn’t welcome news to even the faithful…at first. Christmas in many ways disrupts our best laid plans. The question is NOT whe...

Mary [Christmas Through the Eyes of Faith 3]

Luke 1: 46-55 // Tom NelsonThis morning through the eyes of Mary’s faith we see that we are never so obscure as to be overlooked by God. What is it about Mary’s story ...

Zechariah [Christmas Through the Eyes of Faith 2]

Luke 1: 1-5 // Ben BeasleyEveryone thinks about Christmas a little differently. This Christmas season, we’re on a journey to see Christmas through the eyes of faith. B...

Ruth [Christmas Through the Eyes of Faith 1]

Ruth 1: 1-5 // Tom NelsonAdvent is a season of both waiting & expectation. A time for each of us to slow down and reflect on the story of our lives and what God is doi...

The Representative Who Can Rescue [Romans 16]

Romans 5:15-21 // Ben BeasleyIn our passage today we find Paul continuing his excursus on Adam that we had last week. And he assumes that the reader knows the story of...

The Representative Who Wrecked It All [Romans 15]

Romans 5:12-14 // Ben BeasleyWe’ve all had that moment when who you want to be and who you are is met with frustration. Where does that frustration come from? You can’...

The Result of Rescue: Reconciliation [Romans 14]

Romans 5: 5-11 // Tom NelsonWhat have we been rescued for? Paul’s good news answer in our text today is God rescued us for friendship. Paul gives three life-giving imp...

Result of Rescue: Hope [Romans 13]

Romans 5:1-6 // Ben BeasleyPaul names many benefits to being rescued by Jesus, including the offer of great hope even in our suffering. We have not only been rescued f...

Rescued By Trusting the Promise [Romans 12]

Romans 4: 13-25 // Ben BeasleyThink with me for a moment about the last time you saw the stars on a clear night. The stars are supposed to represent a place of transce...

Rescued Apart from Earning [Romans 11]

Romans 4: 1-12 // Ben BeasleyGod wants nothing more than your trust. Trust is the only way to intimacy. God wants us to live in his presence and be blameless; live in ...

Rescued through Faith [Romans 10]

Romans 3:27-31 // Tom NelsonSermon Notes:  https://www.bible.com/events/49146488 Prayer Requests: https://ccefc.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/2509/responses/new23.10.15