The True Light [Word Made Flesh 03]
John 1: 4-13 // Andrew Jones
As humans, we have always had an interesting relationship with darkness. On one hand, we can be afraid of the dark, but we love it when we need it. To hide. To retreat. To sin or commit evil. John wants to reveal to us that Jesus is the Light. He is not a light, but the one true light, who gives life to humanity. Satan opposes Jesus and His light everywhere he can, but Jesus came into the world to drive out the darkness. John wants us to see that the light came into the darkness and everybody closed their eyes, and fumbled for the light switch. Because as much as we may hate the darkness, we need it to cover the reality of who we are. When we live in obedience to the light, we not only walk in the light ourselves, but we can shine the light for others. Shine the light.