The King’s Word [Behold your King 03]

John 12:35-43 // Andrew Jones
Sermon Notes:

John tells us about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It’s a biography of the most influential and important person who ever lived. And John wrote this not because he thought it was interesting. But because he believed that trusting in Jesus, that Jesus’ offer to follow him in all that we do, was the most important invitation of all time. And that to miss out on that offer would be the most tragic, heartbreaking, but avoidable mistake any person could ever make. And this passage we just read is the warning. It’s the thing we wish we had AFTER we make a mistake. But we have it now. On the cross, Jesus proves that whatever the cost may be for following him, his cost to find you was higher. Don’t say no to him. Don’t. Even if you are here and you don’t yet know what to make of all of this. Don’t close yourself to it. Don’t walk away. Don’t say no to the one who does not say no to you.

Prayer Requests:
