The King’s Prayer [Behold your King 11]

John 17 // Andrew Jones

Jesus prays to his father: it’s time to reveal my beauty. Because Jesus knows that only his beauty can really change us. His beauty has been the purpose of his gospel from the very beginning. What we could never understand until Jesus, is the beauty of the God-man sacrificing himself for the same humanity that killed him in the first place. The image of sacrificial love, of dying to self, is our image. That is who we are now because we have been converted, not only to the truth of Jesus. We’ve been converted to the beauty of Jesus. The Christian life is a portrait. A sculpture. A play. We are supposed to look like, sound like, smell like, the love, the sacrifice, of Jesus. We know, and must proclaim, in all we do, that beauty did save the world. And it is saving us.

Sermon Notes:

Prayer Requests:
