The King’s Fruit [Behold your King 02]

John 12: 20-36 // Tom Nelson
Discipleship with Jesus involves a high cost that was not lost on first-century followers and it must not be lost on us as twenty-first-century followers. What is the cost of following Jesus? Is it worth everything we may be afraid of losing? Wherever we are in our spiritual journey, these are questions the Gospel writer John helps us thoughtfully and carefully consider. We must not miss that as apprentices of Jesus, we are called to take up our cross and follow him. Apprenticeship with Jesus involves losing one’s life, not keeping it. We are to love God first and foremost. That love for God must be so strong that other loves in our life, including love for self and others, are quite small in comparison. It is out of our love for him that we sacrifice our lifestyle for him and the advancement of his good news kingdom mission in the world.

Sermon Notes:

Prayer Requests:
