The King’s Father [Behold your King 05]

John 14: 1-14 // Andrew Jones
Today we are looking at the moment Jesus is speaking to his closest followers and friends. His disciples. He is trying to prepare them for the worst night of their lives. They are going to witness humanity’s utter rejection of God’s grace in Jesus. Jesus tells them, and us, don’t be troubled; I know where you are going. Jesus, who knows he is about to die, be resurrected, and ascend to his Father, also knows where he is, we will also be. He is going to prepare a place for us. It is a place where none of the rules, the wisdom, of this age, this world, apply. It is a place that actually makes sense, for example, to love your enemy, which makes no worldly sense. Jesus says we must not be troubled because He knows He is enough for us and we will be with Him.

Sermon Notes:

Prayer Requests:
