The King’s Departure [Behold your King 09]

John 16: 4-15 // Andrew Jones

In our sermon today, Jesus is preparing his disciples for him to leave them. He is actually trying to convince them it is to their advantage for him to go. When I leave, the Helper will come to you, Jesus says and Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will come and is better suited to help us than even Jesus. His job is to be with us, everywhere at all times. He’s divine and eternal. He’s not just around us, like Jesus for his followers, but he is actually within us to comfort, strengthen and protect. If you are a follower of Jesus, the Holy Spirit is like a preacher that lives within you and speaks through you. He tries to raise His voice above all the rest and will always point us to Jesus. As followers of Jesus, we often need times of solitude so we can listen intently to what he is quietly preaching directly to our hearts. Are we listening?

Sermon Notes:

Prayer Requests:
