The King’s Cross [Behold your King 14]

John 19: 28-42 // Andrew Jones

Jesus lived a completely human life, but not just any human life. He lived a poor and oppressed life. He suffered rejection, ridicule and hatred. His best friends abandoned him. He was lied about, beaten and spat on until his death. He died a human death, but not just any human death. He died the most heinous and evil deaths any human could ever die. Jesus died that death for you. He did not have to die to prove he is God, but he does prove that. He did not have to die for the beauty, splendor and glory of a new creation, but he did that too. What Jesus could not have without dying, was you. Our sin, our rebellion, could only be solved by him. Jesus wants you, and me, to know that no matter how bad things get, no matter how much loss, grief and pain we can endure, Jesus can take the worst of it, and bring life out of it. From the foundation of the world, Jesus knew the cost of our sins, and he chose to pay it anyway.