The King’s Betrayal [Behold your King 12]

John 18: 1-18 // Brent Nelsen

We live in a culture that says that when you get hit, you hit back twice as hard. And I think Christians are just as susceptible to this kind of mentality as anyone else and are all too often participants in it. But that’s not Jesus. Jesus says, when you get hit, you turn the other cheek. And here he practices what he preached. Jesus could have eviscerated this guy. But instead, his eyes are fixed on the cross, which is where he knew he was headed all along. It’s where he had to go for people like you and me. Jesus wasn’t surprised by Peter’s failure. In fact, he knew it was going to happen. Throughout this passage, Jesus was never not in control. And Jesus isn’t surprised by your failure either. And even if your world seems upside down, like Peter’s was that night, Jesus is still in control. And maybe Jesus isn’t meeting your expectations. Or you’re finding out that you’re not who thought you were, or who you wanted to be. Jesus isn’t surprised. He invites you to do the same thing as Peter: Run to the empty tomb.