Romans: Hopeful Groaning For More Life [Romans: 10]

Romans 8:18-25 // Brent Nelsen

God’s kingdom isn’t fully here on earth yet. The picture of Isaiah 11, of a restored creation, is not yet a full reality. But we’ve been given a taste, and it makes us crave more.  When I look around I see violence and discord and hatred. I see creation in subjection and decay. But I know what’s coming, and I know because I’ve had a foretaste. I see God at work renewing the broken pieces in my life. I see him at work restoring relationships around me. I see it in my community group when we experience the joy of gathering together as God’s people. I see it in miraculous answers to prayer requests. And I see it in creation. Every spring, the trees bud, and flowers push through the frozen ground. Everything begins to turn green, and the earth comes back to life. Springtime for me is a yearly visual reminder that God brings life from death. That’s the hope that we have as followers of Jesus.

SERMON NOTES (YouVersion):

24. 05.05