If we as followers of Jesus are going to avoid the perils of misguided zeal, then let us prayerfully remember that God-honoring zeal needs the guardrails of mature wisdom, close knit local church community, a teachable spirit and all of us need personal accountability.
Jehu’s story reminds us we are looking for a new and better king. A king who is both perfectly righteous and just. A king with a perfectly pure heart and a perfectly harnessed zeal. At the cross, as Jesus died for your sin and mine,  justice and mercy met at the cross. The good news of the Gospel is that forgiveness and new life is offered to each one of us when we in repentance and faith embrace Jesus as our Messiah, our Savior and Lord.

2 Kgs. 9:1-13 // Tom Nelson

Key Takeaways
• Jehu's actions were praised by God in some ways, but not in others
• True devotion to God goes beyond outward appearances
• Our motivations matter more than our actions

Related Searches
King Jehu of Israel, Baal worship, Following God with all your heart

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