John the Baptist [Word Made Flesh 10]

John 3: 22-30 // Tom Nelson
When Jesus is invited into every part of our daily lives. Jesus becomes more present to us in our Monday worlds of work, work,  school, recreation. He becomes more present in our homes, in our friendships and family.  When Jesus becomes more and more Holy Spirit fills and empowers us. He draws us to deeper intimacy with Jesus and He guides us, teaches us and reshapes our priorities and reorders our loves. Jesus becomes more in how we do our work, how we treat and speak to our boss or fellow employees. In how we love our neighbor. How we serve, follow and how we lead. In how we sacrificially serve our spouse or honor our parents. In how we speak about, how we love those who we may disagree with. Humility grows when Jesus becomes more and more in our lives.

Sermon Notes:
