Helper [The Story of the Spirit 04]

John 14: 15-27 // Andrew Jones

While all of us like different amounts of alone time, none of us want to BE TRULY ALONE, Abandoned. Left Behind. Alone. This is how the disciples, too, are tempted to feel in our text this morning. It’s near the end of the book of John, and Jesus knows the crucifixion is coming, and he knows his time on earth is ending. He’s preparing his followers for the fact that He is leaving them. All they hear, in this moment, is Jesus is leaving them, and He keeps insisting that they will be ok. Why? Because He says, I’m leaving you a Friend. This is Jesus’ word for the Holy Spirit. A divine friend, counselor, comforter, a truth-teller. The idea here is that the Spirit will tell you the truth, even when you don’t want to hear it, because it will make you more like Jesus. That’s a true friend. Someone who wants to make you more like Jesus, because that is actually where happiness is found. It’s found on the other side of the truth and the other side of increasing obedience, not on the comfortable side.
