Faith & Care [Real Faith 07]
James 5:13-20 // Tom Nelson
The bible tells us God designed the family and the local church to be the primary sustaining institutions for human flourishing. The bible also teaches that a flourishing faith is a belonging faith. That real faith not only believes, it also belongs! But what does a belonging faith look like? It was a great privilege for us to host Dr. Curt Thompson at Christ Community recently. As a devoted apprentice of Jesus and practicing psychiatrist, Curt brought great insight from theology and interpersonal neurobiology as it relates to God’s design for our flourishing. Curt highlighted how each one of us as image bearers of God need relationships and community where we are Seen, Soothed, Safe, and Secure. To be seen means we are seen as we really are. To be soothed is to experience empathy from others. To be safe is to be comfortable in our relationships with others. To be secure means others are trustworthy and won’t abandon us when things get hard. I think these four S’s are a good picture of what the New Testament writers like James describe as Agape love, the binding glue that holds a local church together and fuels a flourishing faith. As fellow Christians, we have a window of opportunity to be the church, the gracious and truth telling mouthpiece, the loving hands and feet of Jesus who laid down his life for others.