Cultivator [The Story of the Spirit 06]

Galatians 5 // Andrew Jones
Jesus took all His power, and all His freedom, and all His wisdom, and love, and goodness, and patience and kindness, and He leveraged it, used it, not for Himself. But for you. If you are in Christ, that is what you believe. And the Spirit sets you free, not the law, not the flesh, but the Spirit, produces fruit in you, to be like Him in how we serve one another. His freedom was not for Him. Our freedom is not for us. Imagine what God can do with a church, with a believer, growing in the fruit of the Spirit, using her freedom for her neighbor? Her coworker? Her enemy? I don’t care how much brokenness and concrete is poured over that kind of person, we know who is winning that war. May it be so of us.
