Creator [The Story of the Spirit 01]
The Story of the Spirit
Genesis 1: 1-2; 2:7
Andrew Jones
We are made in the image of this God. We are spiritual! And not just us, but our world. And if you take just one thing with you today I hope it’s this: Our world is bursting with Spirit. From the first page to the last. Our world is bursting with Spirit. Haunted with meaning, transcendence, wonder. Enchanted with that which we cannot see. And we are made to be like Him. And if you want to understand YOU. We have to understand HIM. The Spirit of God breathing life into us, made in the image of God. Such intimacy and tenderness. Yes, to serve God, but in partnership with Him, with joy and mutuality. There is intimacy and love and dignity in the Garden unlike any other creation story. And the same Spirit who breathed order out of chaos, who breathed life into dust, that same Spirit, when we give our lives to Jesus, the Son, gives NEW life to you and to me. He draws us closer to the Garden, deeper into the presence of God, every single day. That is the hope of the gospel, of our good news. And it can be yours, too.